Yesterday the babies slept until 9:30. I decided it would be a perfect day to "forget" to give them their morning bottle. They weaned themselves down to just their morning baba months ago and I swore that the day they turned 1 bottles would be history. The day after their birthday I wasn't going to give them their bottle when they woke up. They quickly let me know that was not acceptable. They screamed, and screamed, and screamed until I caved. (Hey, I'm outnumbered! You would cave too!) So, they have continued receiving their morning bottles since their birthday :)
So as of yesterday, no tears, no fits, no whining. Kenzie and Lexie gave up their bottle without a fuss. Yahoo! So we are officially bottle free in this house. Now, if I could just get them to like milk. So far, they will play with their sippy cups full of milk and occasionally get a mouthful and spit it out. Madison didn't like milk until she was about 2 and boycotted in again between the ages of 3 1/2 to 5. She just isn't a huge milk drinker. And, guess what? I hate milk. Despise milk. It's nasty. So I can't say I am really surprised that my girls are not the biggest fans either. I will continue to offer it to them once or twice a day, but I won't force the issue. We will just make sure they eat lots of yogurt, cheese, etc., to make sure they get the calcium they need. The doctor was not concerned about the issue, so I'm not either.
Next stop, binkie breaking. No fun there.
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