The twins made it to and through their first holiday! And, a very special one at that! Easter! We got all three girls up and dressed in their Easter apparel (the three more beautiful little girls in the world!) and headed to church! It was our first time taking the babies to church and it couldn't have been on a better Sunday than Easter Sunday! We were nervous that it was going to rain and Applegate Christian Fellowship was holding the service outside, but, we decided to chance it. After all, Jesus did more for us didn't he? :) So off we went. Madison was super excited for Bible School. She loves going to church. David and I strapped the babies to us with our awesome ergo carriers and they did great! Lexie got a little fussy toward the end because her legs were so cramped because of sitting, but other than that, they were fine. And, it didn't rain! Yahoo! It was nice to be back in church, sitting with our good friends and listening to our favorite pastors remind us of what Jesus did for us and how is still lives! Praise the Lord!
Other than church, our day was pretty low key. We stayed home. David and the babies napped, hahaha. Madison and I ran to the store and got sandwich fixings and strawberry shortcake for dessert. That was so delicious! We gave the babies their first Easter baskets which contained a couple of rattles (since we are getting close to that stage already!) and, their first Bibles! We bought Madison her first Bible on her first Easter so I wanted to keep that tradition. :)
Madison loved her goodies and she also got a new book filled with Bible stories which she loves.
Kenzie and Lexie are becoming excellent sleepers! Well, they have always been good, but now it is great! We put them down between 9 and 10, in their own room! And they sleep until about 4. Kenzie slept till 5 this morning. After they eat, they go back to bed until about 8:30 or so. They are eating a ton now! Kenzie polished off almost 8 ozs before she went to bed last night!
Tomorrow is their 2 month checkup. I am planning on holding off on their shots until their 4 month appt I think. I just really don't want to do it yet. Something is telling me to wait, so I am going to trust my motherly instinct and wait. No harm in that. I will post their weights once I know!
Other than church, our day was pretty low key. We stayed home. David and the babies napped, hahaha. Madison and I ran to the store and got sandwich fixings and strawberry shortcake for dessert. That was so delicious! We gave the babies their first Easter baskets which contained a couple of rattles (since we are getting close to that stage already!) and, their first Bibles! We bought Madison her first Bible on her first Easter so I wanted to keep that tradition. :)
Madison loved her goodies and she also got a new book filled with Bible stories which she loves.
Kenzie and Lexie are becoming excellent sleepers! Well, they have always been good, but now it is great! We put them down between 9 and 10, in their own room! And they sleep until about 4. Kenzie slept till 5 this morning. After they eat, they go back to bed until about 8:30 or so. They are eating a ton now! Kenzie polished off almost 8 ozs before she went to bed last night!
Tomorrow is their 2 month checkup. I am planning on holding off on their shots until their 4 month appt I think. I just really don't want to do it yet. Something is telling me to wait, so I am going to trust my motherly instinct and wait. No harm in that. I will post their weights once I know!
I love the Easter tradition of giving them their Bible's!! SO awesome!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE our Ergo carriers too! That's the way to do it for sure! We went to church Friday night and it went pretty well!
They are so adorable and doing so awesome!! YAY!!