Weight check today, just one day shy of a month old. Kenzie is up to 7 lbs 3 ozs! She is almost 2 lbs heavier than her birth weight! Yahoo! And Lexie is up to 6 lbs 7 ozs! They are growing and I am so happy about that! Tomorrow they will be one month old and I can hardly believe it. One month already. Wow. It makes me happy because I know we are on our way to some really fun times and milestones, but sad at the same time because the time is going to quickly. Tomorrow I plan on taking some pictures of the little ladies and comparing them to their big sister at one month. Kenzie looks more like Madison than Lexie does, but they all look quite a bit different to me!
We are still on a pretty good schedule. They sleep awesome. They eat a ton. They are good babies. I really have no complaints :) We put them down for the night in our room between 9:00 and 10:00. They sleep together in a playpen. They love having their faces next to one another. Lexie is usually the first one to wake up to eat. Since she is smaller than Kenzie, she doesn't eat quite as much and therefore gets hungry faster. She wakes up between 1:00 and 2:00 am. She eats around 3 to 3.5 ozs. I wake up Kenzie at the same time and she eats about 4 ozs. Then back to bed they go. Lexie wakes up again between 5:00 and 6:00 am. Then, they will sleep till 9:00 or 10:00 am. At this feeding, I bring them to the livingroom for the day. This routine pretty much goes throughout the day too. Eating about every 3 hours, they are awake for an hour or two at a time.
Kenzie prefers the bouncy chair and Lexie prefers the swing. And, they both love music. Yeah, that's right. One month old and they are already taking after dad and sister. Ugh, I am in for it. They want their music on. All the time. (Only during the day though :) They can be sound asleep in their swings/bouncy chairs and the music/mobiles turn off, and they wake up and let me know they want it back on! lol. I can't believe it. This makes daddy very happy.
So, all in all, we have had a great month. It has been so amazing getting to know these two little angels and getting to know a different side of Madison. She really is doing great with the babies. I know she loves them a ton. I have also learned a lot about myself too. I am meant to do this! "This" being a mother. I am good at it and I am not afraid to say it. I love my three girls with every part of me. Yes, I get frusterated. Yes, I get tired of being home all the time and I need a break every few days. But, that is all normal. I also love being home with them. I love taking care of them. I love seeing them change every day. I love it.
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