Monday, January 30, 2012

11 Months!

Kenzie Grace

The "serious" baby
Lexie Noelle

We are one month away from celebrating the big "one"! So excited and sad all at once. So many emotions have been flowing through me these past few weeks. Part of me is so excited for the stages we are entering, the other part of me wants to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. My babies are 11 months old! Here we go...

Kenzie continues to be the bully in the house, but she is so darn cute. She is the rebel. The fighter. The opinionated of the 3. If she doesn't like something, she will let you know. She doesn't like to be away from mama at all. In fact, we tried going to church the other evening and it blew up in my face. I was in worship service for a whole 10 minutes when the nursery paged me because she was having a complete meltdown. Lexie was totally content playing by herself and didn't even care that Kenzie was crying or that I was in the room :) She is continuing to cruise all over the house and has attempted to take some steps by herself. She is now saying hi, which is the cutest thing ever. Her vocabulary: mama, dada, nana (banana), hi, num num (when she wants to eat) and baba (bottle). Still working on trying to get them to say sissy :) Quickest to smile, first to throw a fit. Loves all foods, loves her sippy cup (finally!) loves her binkie (only at nap/bedtime). Loves music and dancing.

Lexie is definitely the princess. If she gets knocked down or something is taken away from her, she cries. Not the same kind of cry as Kenzie, she has real tears. She is walking a lot now. Such a little squirt but it's so cute! She enjoys playing with Madison but is also quite content to play by herself. Her vocabulary: mama, dada, nana, num num and baba. Loves her big sissy. Loves all foods. Loves her binkie. Loves jumping. Lexie is hilarious around familiar people. Smiles, goofy faces, etc. When someone new comes over, or someone she hasn't seen in a few days, she gets totally serious and just stares at them. Hardcore starer. The doctor asked me last time we were there if she smiles a lot. Uh, yeah.

Both girls have weened themselves to one bottle a day, when they wake up at 8:00. Easy peasy. Three meals a day, sometimes a snack. Bedtime is between 7-8. Still taking (2) 2+ hour naps a day.

We are looking to purchase big girl carseats soon! And a new stroller. All of the baby stuff is long gone and our house is full of big girl toys. Sigh.

Random things the girls are doing:

Playing peek-a-boo together. One will hide on the side of the couch and poke around the corner to make the other laugh. So cute.

When I go into their room after naptime, they hand me their binkies in order to get out of their cribs. They are so smart!

Kenzie dances whenever I sing "go baby, go baby go!" to her. The faster I sing, the faster she goes.

Lexie shakes her head no when I sing, "no, no, no, no baby. no, no, no, no baby, don't cry"

Lexie prefers bananas to pancakes and Kenzie prefers pancakes to bananas. On more than one occasion, I have caught them trading. :)

They are happier when Madison is home. If she is visiting grandma or granny, they are grouchy. period.

No one can make them giggle the way their big sister can.

Friday, January 6, 2012

10 Months!

The girls turned 10 months on the 22nd. Amazing. Everyone is still doing awesome. Here is the scoop.

Kenzie is cruising everywhere! I really don't think it will be long before they are walking. She has the best smile that just warms my heart everytime. Her favorite word is dada. She also says mama, but only when she is upset. She is definitely the bully in the house. Constantly taking things away from Lexie and pushing her over. She absolutely loves music and dances everytime she hears it. She is still a mama's girl and usually starts wailing when I am out of her sight.

Lexie is taking her role as "baby of the family" very seriously. She cries when she falls, cries when Kenzie takes her toys, cries when she wants to be held, etc. She is making the funniest faces lately and always makes me laugh. She is standing independently all the time and has tried to take a couple of steps, until she realizes she isn't holding on to anything and then she falls down. She also cruises all over the house and will walk while holding someone's hands. Her favorite word is also dada, and she can say mama as well.

Kenzie loves all food and Lexie is trying to be picky. Baby food is a thing of the past in this house. Give these kids some real food! They are both great eaters and are doing well despite the lack of teeth. Things they love: Cheerios, pasta, potatoes, steak, ham, cucumber, grapes, cheese, banana, pears, pancakes, french toast, dried apples, yams, carrots, broccoli, peas. Things they tolerate: waffles, chicken, peanut butter & jelly, grilled cheese. If Lexie doesn't like what's on the menu, she grabs it by the handful and throws it on the floor. Oops. Neither one are too interested in sippy cups at this point, but they don't want bottles either! We are down to 2 bottles a day!

Bedtime is around 7 pm, wake up at 8 am. (2) 2 hour naps a day. Lovely schedule. They refuse to sleep anywhere other than their cribs which make errands somewhat difficult. They will not sleep in their carseats. But, I can usually keep them awake for about 4 hours at a time now if I need to be out and about.

Both are obsessed with Madison. I mean, really obsessed. They want to be wherever she is and fight over her attention. Madison just eats this up. She is great with them, always playing with them and sharing her toys.

Loving the giggles and kisses. Loving the milestones, can't wait for more!

Kenzie's first tooth made it's appearance on December 23, 2011 (10 months 1 day old)
Lexie's first tooth showed up on January 3, 2012 (10 months 12 days old)
(Madison got her first tooth when she was 10 months & 8 days so these 2 are following her footsteps!)