6 months have come and gone since bringing home our 2 little blessings. I cannot believe we are on the downhill slope to celebrating their first birthday! I cannot wait! I have already started planning it :) Let's see, where to begin...
Kenzie weighs about 16 lbs now. She is so much fun. She rolls all over the house and is trying to hard to crawl. She has mastered sitting unassisted and that makes her happy. She loves being held and loves playing with her toys. Not so much of a fan of her jumperoo. She will sit in it for awhile, but doesn't really jump, just sits in it and plays with the toys. The girl loves to eat. Loves solid foods (which I am still making). Kenzie has what we call "Stranger Danger" (lol, thanks Cheyenne). She really prefers to be held by me. She does ok with strangers for a couple of minutes then looks around frantically for me. She loves to lay kisses on whoever is holding her. She grabs a hold of your face and gives you a big wet one :) I love that. She sleeps amazingly. Down for the night by 7, and sleeps until at least 6 am. She has a bottle then goes back to sleep until 8:30 or 9. She takes 2 naps a day, one long morning nap and a short afternoon nap. She loves bathtime.
Lexie weighs 14 lbs and has her first cold :( But, even sick, she is an awesome little lady and still sleeps and eats well. She prefers the bottle to solids and I have a feeling she will be harder to break from the bottle then Kenzie will be. Lexie loves her jumperoo and will jump forever! She laughs and giggles while playing, she really is the happier of the two babies. I love how different their personalities are! She loves being held by anyone who will give her attention. She eats it up! She is on the same sleep schedule as Kenzie which is awesome because mama has time to get some things done while they are both sleeping. I can't decide who will be the first to crawl. I thought Lex had it in the bag, but then Kenzie started rolling over first and sitting up first, so I thought Kenzie would master crawling before Lexie. But, just a couple of days ago, Lexie was scooting herself around while on her hands and knees. So, I am clueless and it just proves that these 2 will keep me on my toes!
The girls have started "talking" to each other while in their cribs. It has to be the cutest sounds ever! They will spit their binkies out and talk for 5 minutes or so, then settle down for their nap. when they wake up, they usually don't cry, but rather talk to each other until I go get them. Love it!
Jealousy has started in a little. When they wake up, I better bring both of them into the living room at the same time, otherwise, they let me know that I forgot one! If Madison is talking to one and not the other, she starts crying. They are quickly letting us know that you cannot forget about one!
We took them to the beach last weekend for the day. Amazing little travelers slept both the whole way there and home. Lexie even slept the entire time we walked on the beach in her ergo carrier. They were so great the entire trip. It was nice to get away as a family, even if it was only for the day. We walked the beach, went to the farmer's market and had dinner in a small restaurant on the pier. I have learned that I like Clam Chowder! lol. I don't like any seafood except for calamari! But, now I can add clam chowder to that list.
I am still working on 6 month pictures. I am not done yet since Lexie has been sick. But, I will get them posted soon :) Happy 6 months little ladies. I love you!