Friday, July 22, 2011

Five Months!

Yay! Five months old! We are entering my favorite baby stage! The girls are getting so fun! I love to hear them laugh, see them smile at their big sister, interact with each other, grab for toys, get excited over food. I absolutely love these little ladies! Let's start with Lexie today :)

My beautiful baby. I will always call her the baby. She is such a little character. So outgoing and social. Lexie loves to talk, squeal, cry. Whatever the noise is, she does it to the fullest! She mimicks us when we say "hi" to her, so cute! She is the most smilely baby ever! It doesn't take much to get her to give you this huge gummy grin! Even when she is mad and screaming, we can make her smile. She is a daddy's girl. Yay! He got one! Ha! I don't mind too much :) She loves her daddy! She loves her sister! She loves bananas! We started on solids (which I am making) after their 4 month checkup. She is obsessed with bananas. She will pretty much eat anything as long as it is mixed with banana. So far she has tried, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, peaches and berries. She hates peaches. Everything else she will eat. She hates being on her tummy, still! She will roll over and then scream because she hates being on her stomach so much. She prefers to sit in her bumbo with toys to chew on. I am pretty sure both girls are teething because the drooling has become excessive!

Kenzie is still a mama's girl. She favors me for sure. She is the laugher of the two. I can make her giggle almost every time I try and I love it! She is still our little chunkers too! Getting big so fast! I think she will be the first to crawl. She gets on her belly (her position of choice these days) and gets up on her knees and rocks herself back and forth. Big sister crawled at 6 months so we will see if Kenzie can match her! This little lady can eat! She love, love, loves food! I am thankful that so far, she loves everything I have given her :) Kenzie has the sweetest little eyes.

Our routine is starting to become pretty clear. Up around 7, 6 oz bottle. Breakfast at 9 ish, which is about 4 ozs of fruit and cereal. Nap at about 10 until 12 or 1. Then time for another 6 oz bottle. Bottle around 4, solids around 5:30 (4 ozs of veggies, 1-2 ozs of some sweet fruit) bath, bottle, bed. They have started going to bed around 7:30 and are thriving and sleeping at least 10 hours straight. Nice! Naps have also transitioned into their cribs with binkies and so far, no issues :) They take their blankie and binkie and if they don't fall asleep right away, they fuss for about 5 minutes and then they are out. I still don't let them have their binkies at night and that is working really well for us.

So, all in all, everyone is growing quickly and doing fantastic! Can't wait for them to start hitting more "firsts!"

*4 month weight check: Kenzie 13 lbs 5 ozs and Lexie 11 lbs 12 ozs. They will have another weight check on Aug 3rd, so I will update then :)

Kenzie's and Lexie's Dedication

Last Sunday we had the girls Dedicated at Applegate Christian Fellowship. It was a great day for our family. It was only the second time taking the babies to church since mama bear hasn't been ready to let them go to the nursery yet :) In fact, the only babysitter they have had thus far is my mom and grandma. haha. I am slightly overprotective. We knew we wanted to have the Dedicated and we wish we would have done the same thing with Miss Madison. We were not attending church on a regular basis when she was a baby. It was an amazing experience to thank the Lord for these two precious lives that he has given to us. We will continue to pray for them on a daily basis to become strong women who love the Lord and understand His sacrifice for us.

Combination of naptime and a stranger holding her, Kenzie fell apart within seconds. Poor Pastor Ben didn't stand a chance! But, he handled it well and it was still sweet. Lexie fell asleep in my arms while we were waiting for the service to begin so she was fine when Pastor John held her. Luckily we have the DVD of the Dedication since I was mostly concerned about consoling Kenzie :) Applegate is a wonderful church and now that I know the girls will do fine in the nursery, we will be attending on a regular basis.